A leader must have the courage to dare to
do things differently

only free people can free people

peculiar lives end up creating peculiar things

a collection of courageous solution providers

impact & REACH

Female Leaders Attended Peace March to 10 Downing Street in Support of Girls’ Rights

Beauty Lovers and Experts Convened at the Gloss Beauty & Wellness Summit

Aspiring Athletes Gathered at the Capital Sports Football Tournament for the Next Generation of Talent
Fashion Enthusiasts celebrated W Fashion Week 2024 at Mercedes-Benz World, providing a platform for hundreds of rising Designers and Models


What our clients say about us

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat at aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu gravida ut urna  a nec est quis morbi nec mauris vel iaculis nulla laoreet sagittis feugiat.

An Amazing Work For Our Home - Architect X Webflow Template
Miles Johnson - Architect X Webflow Template

“They did an amazing work for our home”

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat atolm aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu.

Miles Johnson, New York
Beautiful And Special - Architect X Webflow Template
Lily Woods - Architect X Webflow Template

“Our home design is unique, beautiful and special”

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat atolm aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu.

Lily Woods, New York
Comfy And Modern - Architect X Webflow Template
Kathie Corl - Architect X Webflow Template

“Love how our home looks more comfy and modern”

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat atolm aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu.

Kathie Corl, San Francisco
An Amazing Work For Our Home - Architect X Webflow Template
Miles Johnson - Architect X Webflow Template

“They did an amazing work for our home”

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat atolm aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu.

Miles Johnson, New York
Beautiful And Special - Architect X Webflow Template
Lily Woods - Architect X Webflow Template

“Our home design is unique, beautiful and special”

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat atolm aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu.

Lily Woods, New York
Comfy And Modern - Architect X Webflow Template
Kathie Corl - Architect X Webflow Template

“Love how our home looks more comfy and modern”

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat atolm aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu.

Kathie Corl, San Francisco
An Amazing Work For Our Home - Architect X Webflow Template
Miles Johnson - Architect X Webflow Template

“They did an amazing work for our home”

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat atolm aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu.

Miles Johnson, New York
Beautiful And Special - Architect X Webflow Template
Lily Woods - Architect X Webflow Template

“Our home design is unique, beautiful and special”

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat atolm aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu.

Lily Woods, New York
Comfy And Modern - Architect X Webflow Template
Kathie Corl - Architect X Webflow Template

“Love how our home looks more comfy and modern”

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat atolm aliquet mauris ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu.

Kathie Corl, San Francisco

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Get in touch today to get a free project quote

Hendrerit augue libero ut sollicitudin velit iaculis mi  imperdiet volutpat at aliquet mauris solmer ullamcorper amet  commodo commodo arcu gravida ut urna  a nec es.

Get in touch
Get In Touch - Architect X Webflow Template


About the fxmily

our unique vision that tells a story

Some years ago, we started to speak to this set of people about three of them, to begin with, now these young men and women have increased to over 2000 people, in each service. Currently, weoperate with over 200 ordained Ministers and Pastors and weoperate about 17 community units across London.

According to the BBC, nothing like this has ever been seen before. Young people coming to surrender to Christ and gang leaders and members coming to church to give up their weapons, drugs etc on the altar.

Financial times and many other television channels in the UK have recorded and reported what God is doing. We have encouraged the creation of over 40 businesses as we help do create alternative lifestyles for young people in politics, business, finance, education etc. ​

we change lives
as we’ve done
in the past two decades.

the Fxmily

To see a generation liberated from poverty, young people transforming their community from despair to hope. This is NXTION FAMILY”.

Architecture Firm - Architect X Webflow Template